The extensions for the CRM Base provide you with brand new opportunities to lift your business communications to the next level.

Direct marketing
Mail and telephone campaigns
You can create direct marketing campaigns using the existing address and contact data. These can be telephone, mailshot, or email campaigns as well as the resulting follow-up or response activities. You can use a wide range of selection criteria to precisely target the addresses and contacts to be included in the campaign.
Potential clients
Potential client management
The addresses of potential clients are managed separately. This separation of potential clients from the customer data allows you to fully concentrate on gaining new customers by means of targeted marketing for your products and services, for example. You can easily prepare offers for potential clients and follow them up. When an order is received, the potential client immediately becomes a customer with all their history including all offers.

Replication between eserp and MS Exchange
Dates and tasks are synchronized with Microsoft Exchange in both directions, so there is no need to record them twice. This means that your diary is always up to date and you have all the important information at hand even when you are on the move. Individual synchronization settings can be made for each user.
Note: If the desired Exchange solution is a hosted exchange, the specified Exchange user account must be a full user with a mailbox and authorization to impersonate the personnel to be synchronized. This is known ans the Application Impersonation role. You can check if your Exchange solution supports impersonation by clicking on the following link:
Please consult your provider if your Exchange solution is cloud-based.
Synchronization with multiple MS Exchange servers
Multiple Exchange is an extension of the Exchange module. If the company uses more than one MS Exchange server, an additional license is required for each server to utilize Exchange replication. The fixed assignment of users (mailboxes) to a server must be considered. This extension is needed if there are assignments to different servers. This also includes the linkup with Microsoft Office365 users.
Outlook add-in
Import emails as contacts or service calls
With the Outlook add-in, you can import emails as contacts or directly as service calls, regardless of whether you are logged in to the company network, or with the customer on site, or even on the move. You canview the current status of the service call.
The Outlook add-in ensures that your company know-how including all contact history is right where it belongs, at the center of your ERP solution from es2000.
- MS Outlook Version 2010 or later
- An esweb installation
- esoffice Version 10.70 or later
Additional requirements for contact person synchronization:
- A valid esExchange license
- MSExchange meeting the current system requirements of es2000
Additional requirement for service call functionalities:
- Licenses for esweb Office, esweb Contact, esweb Helpdesk
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